I admit that sometimes I can be weird. For instance, I will sometimes sit and watch the Weather Channel. All day. I just find it interesting, I guess, and I like to look at the maps and forecasts and think about all my many, scattered friends and what the weather is like in all the different places where they are. And then later I know and I mention it and they wonder if I've been stalking them. I haven't. I just like the weather channel.
A few days ago, I realized that I could actually go to weather.com and look up the 10-day forecast for the weather and actually see the forecast for my wedding day. Cue girly squealing and minor Impending Wedding Day freakout.
Then I actually checked.
Three days ago, the prediction was for 82 degrees and scattered thunderstorms with a fairly high chance of precipitation.
I was relatively (relatively) sanguine about this, though. After all, I told myself, in my secret heart of hearts I was expecting the probability of rain. It's Western Pennsylvainia. It's June. Of course it will probably rain. I knew that. And 82 degrees? Well, I mean, that's warmer than I wanted, of course. The same part of my heart that secretly admitted and planned for the possibility of rain also secretly hoped that the temperature would be at least in the 70's.
After all, Dave gets very, very cranky when it's hot, and he's wearing tweed on the wedding day, which is not exactly the coolest and lightest of materials.
But, weather can't be helped. I decided to just be peaceful about it and hope for the best.
And check weather.com obsessively, and pray for better weather, and ask other people to pray for better weather (specifically mid-70's during the day and not rainy, at least not until after the photos). After all, on my mom's wedding day it was raining in every single major city in Europe, except the one where she got married.
The next day, I checked. 81 degrees. Scattered thunderstorms. Sigh.
The next day, 80 degrees. Scattered thunderstorms. Oh well.
Today? A mere 77 degrees! And isolated thunderstorms! The chance of precipitation is down to only 30%!
I'm going to keep checking, and I'm going to keep praying. In my little wedding-day dreams it goes down to between 72-75, it will be a little overcast--not direct sun, but not gloomy--and there will be a breeze that will smell like rain. Late in the evening, when Dave and I are ready to get in the car, there might be some distant lightning and thunder, but the rain won't actually hit while we're driving, because he doesn't like driving in the rain at night. However, immediately after we get home, a thunderstorm will start, and we'll spend our first night at home listening to thunder, looking at lightning, and falling asleep to the sound of heavy rain on the bedroom windows, because that's one of the best sounds in the world.
One of the best... right after the sound of Dave's voice.
Shut up, I know it's sappy.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I think somehow I secretly believed that we'd never get to the day where I could say "I'm getting married in a week," but we did. It's 3am on Saturday, which means I can officially say it.
Don't even ask why I'm up at 3am. It's a long story. All of this cross-country traveling has played merry hell with my circadian rhythm.
Now it's bedtime, but I had to exclaim first.
(Also, Dave is at LARP this weekend and has his phone turned off/out of signal range. He forgot to call and say goodbye before he left. Not talking to Dave on the phone before bed completely destroys my nighttime routine. I don't like it. We aren't getting married a day too soon.)
Don't even ask why I'm up at 3am. It's a long story. All of this cross-country traveling has played merry hell with my circadian rhythm.
Now it's bedtime, but I had to exclaim first.
(Also, Dave is at LARP this weekend and has his phone turned off/out of signal range. He forgot to call and say goodbye before he left. Not talking to Dave on the phone before bed completely destroys my nighttime routine. I don't like it. We aren't getting married a day too soon.)
Friday, June 5, 2009
This gold and silver I give thee
A lot of things about our wedding have been chosen to be incredibly simple or straightforward. Our wedding rings... well... they definitely fall into that category, too.
I've never been much of a fan of yellow gold jewelry. My parents have white gold rings, which might part of the root from which that opinion grew. And of course, my engagement ring is made of silver, and I am really not into the look of mixed silver and gold jewelry.
We looked a number of places for rings, wanting something that was simple but also beautiful and worthy. We even checked out Amazon.com. No, really, we did. I'm not proud.
Ultimately we did end up ordering our rings from online, on a website called e-WeddingBands.com. Their prices were reasonable, their quality was good, they were recommended by the Better Business Bureau, and their customer service has been excellent, including calling Dave on the phone to double-check his shipping address. We were able to select from a wide variety of widths and sizes in 1/4 increments, which saved us time. Everyone else only did sizes and half-sizes, and Dave needed a 3/4-size. We thought we were going to have to order large and resize.
Anyway, I was really pleased with what we got. The rings are very, very simple. They're white gold. They match each other, they match my engagement ring very nicely, and they match us, I think. Nothing fancy, nothing trendy. Just a solid, simple bit of gold.
Our wedding is in fifteen days. Dave has the rings at home, waiting to be exchanged.
That's a good feeling.
I've never been much of a fan of yellow gold jewelry. My parents have white gold rings, which might part of the root from which that opinion grew. And of course, my engagement ring is made of silver, and I am really not into the look of mixed silver and gold jewelry.
We looked a number of places for rings, wanting something that was simple but also beautiful and worthy. We even checked out Amazon.com. No, really, we did. I'm not proud.
Ultimately we did end up ordering our rings from online, on a website called e-WeddingBands.com. Their prices were reasonable, their quality was good, they were recommended by the Better Business Bureau, and their customer service has been excellent, including calling Dave on the phone to double-check his shipping address. We were able to select from a wide variety of widths and sizes in 1/4 increments, which saved us time. Everyone else only did sizes and half-sizes, and Dave needed a 3/4-size. We thought we were going to have to order large and resize.
Anyway, I was really pleased with what we got. The rings are very, very simple. They're white gold. They match each other, they match my engagement ring very nicely, and they match us, I think. Nothing fancy, nothing trendy. Just a solid, simple bit of gold.
Our wedding is in fifteen days. Dave has the rings at home, waiting to be exchanged.
That's a good feeling.

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