Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wedding Invitations

This week is my Easter break, which means I'm in Cleveland allll week. I am so happy about this, I can't even tell you.

Last night, Dave and I went to the store in search of supplies for wedding invitation making. I'm not going to tell you exactly what they're going to look like, because I want people to appreciate them in person when they see them for the first time, but I will tell you some of the things we bought last night:

Steel paper clips
Linen paper
Manila envelopes


You'll just have to wait and see.

Also, stamps alone are going to run us about $84. Omgsauce. Since when did going to the post office get so expensive?


Eleno said...

Buy stamps now and make sure they're the forever stamps just in case they decide to raise the prices AGAIN.

Holly said...

At Costco they told me stamps are going up another 2 cents in May. I'm liking email more and more.