Well, as of yesterday, our countdown hit the double digits.
That's right. We're getting married in 98 days.
I'm having a minor freakout. This is not a bad freakout, per se. It's just that whenever we pass one of these milestones (the last one was 6 months, and it feels like yesterday. How are we already so close to the 3-month mark?) I seem to reach a new level of intense realization of the reality of the whole thing. It's easy to get engaged in August when your wedding is 11 months away (back when we were still planning to get married in July). You have plenty of time to plan, to adjust, to get ready.. and then suddenly you're 6 months away, or 3 months away, or 3 weeks away.
It's scary, because it's such a big, big thing. Marriage is a for-life proposition, after all, and we both take that really seriously.
I can't imagine anyone I'd rather spend the rest of my life with.

I know you aren't a huge fan of this picture, because you were not having a very photogenic day, and we have both lost weight since it was taken (and by "we" I mean "mostly you"). But you know what? I'm putting it here anyway, because every time I look at it, I think we look so happy together, and it makes me happy all over again, to think about being that happy with you. I feel so happy that I almost want to cry.
So there.
We are getting married in 98 days, and that is totally rad.
1 comment:
I love that picture too! It's one of my favorites of you guys. :-)
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