Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wedded bliss

So, I'm pleased to report that being married is The Best Thing Ever. Seriously. Couldn't be better, unless perhaps we were independently wealthy and Dave never had to leave and go to work.

We've been enjoying our wedding gifts heartily, from the artwork on the walls to the dishes in the kitchen to the towels in the bathroom. I feel so loved and taken care of, and surrounded by the love of our friends as well as the love of my husband.

Speaking of experimenting with wedding gifts, we got a cast iron dutch oven and I decided to use it to try making the New York Times' No Knead Bread recipe. We had Dave's brother over to sample it (along with some pate, merlot, and camembert).

I'm going to be making a post about the recipe and the process, because it's so easy that nobody who reads this blog has an excuse not to try it for themselves and enjoy its deliciousness. Seriously, we've been seriously discussing just not buying store-bought bread anymore.

But that post isn't ready yet (the pictures need to be edited). In the meantime, I will give you this spoiler--a photo of my beloved in our home, getting ready to share good food with people we love. I don't know that I could get a much better portrait of him--wifebeater, tattoos, good food, good drinks, good friends, and a radiant smile. Throw in some books and there's the love of my life.

Showing off the first meal ever
served to guests in our home

I really like it when things that I think are going to be really good turn out to be not just really good, but mind-blowingly wonderful.

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