Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, it's been ten days since I last wrote anything here. That isn't because there aren't weddingy things going on, or because I don't like blogging (there are tons of weddingy things going on, and I adore blogging).

But you see, dear friends and family, this past week has been The Busiest Week Ever, at least as far as college is concerned. That's right... it was finals week, and not just any finals week, but my last finals week as an undergrad! So I had to temporarily put blogging and other wedding things on semi-hold while I crammed for killer exams, finished a 40-page paper, and did a presentation in font of the whole English department.

I'm back now to announce that I am officially done with college, and graduation ceremonies will be on Saturday at 10am.

David is coming out tomorrow and getting a hotel room. We've got to pack up my dorm room (how is it possible to accumulate so much stuff over a single year? Oy gevalt), pick up our marriage license at the Mercer County Courthouse, and finish the last bits of our wedding registry. Yeah, I know, it's five weeks before the wedding and the registry still isn't finished. I'd feel guiltier if more people had bought us presents, but they haven't yet, so I don't (well, I do feel guilty, but only a little).

I met with the caterer this week, did a little shopping in town for some small wedding doo-dads, and have been brainstorming about fun things like flowers and neckties and shoes. More to come on that in a day or two. My super awesome future mother and sister in law are throwing me a shower on Sunday, and I'll be blogging about that, as well.

For now, I'm going to crack open a Diet Coke, stretch out in bed, watch the newest episode of House, and enjoy being finished.

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